What We Do


We provide an on-the-go classroom so you can get the most out of your talent.

Get ready for an action packed, high-energy interactive experience that helps you connect theory to real life situations.

Courses are 6 hours; each is customizable to a half day or keynote delivery.


We love a good audience.

Mala Grewal has a dynamic, memorable presence in front of crowds. She’s addressed organizations small to large across a breadth of industries around the world.

Speaking topics include:

  • Unleashing the Power of your Intrinsic Intelligence

  • Mastering Your Middle

  • Earning Your MeDegree

  • Empowered to Look Inward


Nothing beats 1 on 1 conversation.

We offer individual and group coaching to individuals and teams to connect them to their highest performance by leveraging their Intrinsic Intelligence™. By distinguishing their INQ™ score, individuals learn how to get what they need and optimize their environments to engage at their highest capacity.


Free learning you can implement in minutes?! It brightens our day too.

Featured webinars coming soon:

  • Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Intelligence™

  • Finding your INQ™ score

  • Map, Manage, and Master Your Middles